Similarities between Notion and Spreadsheets (21+ Included)

Notion is a much-talked-about no-code tool used by people when it comes to productivity and management of life in general. There are so many things that we can do to simplify our life with the use of Notion.

But many people find it difficult to get started with using Notion as they feel it is not beginner friendly to start with. But, once you get to know about Notion properly you start to explore the potential that this no-code tool allows with it getting widely popular across several industries. 

Today we are going to look at 21 similarities that you can find between Notion and Spreadsheets to get you familiar with the usage across both platforms.

Similarities between Notion and Spreadsheets

Here’s a quick look at the similarities between Notion and Spreadsheets:

Operators / FunctionsNotionSpreadsheet
addadd(number1, number2)sum(number1, number2)
Subtractsubtract(number1, number2)(number1 – number2)
Multiplymultiply(number1, number2)(number1 * number2)
Dividedivide(number1, number2)(number1/number2)
powpow(number1, number2)(number ^ number)
modmod(number1, number2)mod(number1, number2)
andand(boolean, boolean)AND(logical_expression1, [logical_expression2, …])
oror(boolean, boolean)OR(logical_expression1, [logical_expression2, …])
equalequal(value, value)EQ(value1, value2)
concatconcat(text…)CONCATENATE(string1, [string2, …])
joinjoin(text…)JOIN(delimiter, value_or_array1, [value_or_array2, …])
lengthlength (text)LEN(text)
ifif(boolean, value, value)IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)
roundround(Number)ROUND(value, [places])
lnln(number)LOG(value, [base])
floorfloor(number)FLOOR(value, [factor])
maxmax(number…)MAX(value1, [value2, …])

Let’s discuss each of the above one by one…

  1. add 

This is used to add 2 numbers or concatenate 2 strings together (i.e. join together).

Notion Syntax: 

add (number, number) or add (text, text)

Google Sheets Syntax:

sum(number1, number2)

Related: How to add 2 numbers together in Notion? | Use of add operator in Notion

  1. subtract 

This is used to subtract 2 numbers.

Notion Syntax: 

subtract (number, number)

Google Sheets Syntax:

(number1 – number2)

Related: How to subtract 2 numbers in Notion? | Use of subtract operator in Notion

  1. multiply 

This is used to multiply 2 numbers and find their product.

Notion Syntax:

Multiply(number, number)

Google Sheets Syntax:

(number 1 * number 2)

Related: How to find the product of numbers in Notion? | Use of multiply operator in Notion

  1. divide 

Divides 2 numbers and return their quotient.

Notion Syntax:

divide(number, number)

Google Sheets Syntax:

(number1 / number2)

Related: How to divide numbers in Notion? | Use of divide operator in Notion

  1. pow 

Returns the base to the exponent power and finds the power of the number to the base.

Notion Syntax:

number ^ number

Google Sheets Syntax:

(number ^ number)

Related: How to find the power of numbers in Notion? | Use of pow operator

  1. mod 

Divides 2 numbers and returns their remainder.

Notion Syntax:

mod(number1, number2)

Google Sheets Syntax:

mod(number1, number2)

Related: How to find remainder of numbers in Notion? | Use of mod operator

  1. unaryMinus 

It helps to negate a number.

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:


Related: How to find negative of a number in Notion | Use of unaryMinus operator

  1. not

It returns the not of the argument provided within.

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:


Related : How to find the opposite of an argument in Notion | Use of not operator

  1. and 

It returns the logical AND of the 2 arguments provided.

Notion Syntax:

and(boolean, boolean)

Google Sheets Syntax:

AND(logical_expression1, [logical_expression2, …])

  1. or 

This returns the logical OR of the 2 arguments provided.

Notion Syntax:

or(boolean, boolean)

Google Sheets Syntax:

OR(logical_expression1, [logical_expression2, …])

  1. equal 

This returns the true if the arguments provided are equal, else it returns false.

Notion Syntax:

equal(value, value)

Google Sheets Syntax:

EQ(value1, value2)

  1. concat 

This helps to concatenate the arguments and provides the result.

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:

CONCATENATE(string1, [string2, …])

  1. join 

This inserts the first argument between the rest and returns the concatenation of both.

Notion Syntax:

join (text…)

Google Sheets Syntax:

JOIN(delimiter, value_or_array1, [value_or_array2, …])

  1. length

This returns the length of the string given in the argument.

Notion Syntax:

length (text)

Google Sheets Syntax:


  1. If

This enables the if condition to test 2 values and derive the results.

Notion Syntax:

if(boolean, value, value)

Google Sheets Syntax:

IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)

  1. abs

This returns the absolute values of a number provided.

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:


  1. round

This gives the rounded value of a number to the nearest integer.

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:

ROUND(value, [places])

  1. ln

This returns the natural logarithm of a number

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:

LOG(value, [base])

  1. log10

This returns the base 10 log of a number

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:


  1. floor

This returns the largest integer which is less than or equal to a number.

Notion Syntax:


Google Sheets Syntax:

FLOOR(value, [factor])

  1. max

This gives the largest of a set of numbers provided in the argument.

Notion Syntax:

max (number)

Google Sheets Syntax:

MAX(value1, [value2, …])

Let’s look at some of the most commonly asked questions related to Notion.


How do I learn everything about Notion?

One can learn about notion with practice and watching tutorials related to Notion. This site is dedicated to explaining the best of the notion and what it has to offer.

Do people actually use Notion?

Yes, Notion is a widely growing popular no-code tool used by people every day across several niches.

How to learn Notion?

One can learn about notion by looking at the tutorials and reading resources related to the tool to help learn about the nocode tool.

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