Business Cash Flow Tracker (Template Included)

Business Cash Flow is an integral part of running any business.

Thus, an effective tracking of your business cash flow becomes crucial for a transparent financial overview when it comes to understanding the state of your business.

This has several benefits such as Financial Stability, Decision Making, Budgeting, Resource Allocation and much more.

In this post, we are going to discuss how you can use this Business Cash Flow Template to keep track of your business cash flow developed in Notion that helps you with following:

  • Analysis of business cash flow from Operating, Investing and Financing Activities,
  • Quarterly Overview of Cash Flow position for each month,
  • Opening Balance, Closing Balance, Total Cash Inflow and Total Cash Outflow and much more

In order to use this dashboard we need to set up the different accounts which are involved in the transactions before proceeding with the transactions involved.

But before that let’s have a quick overview of the Business Cash Flow Template to get an idea of how exactly it will operate.

How to download the Notion Business Cash Flow Template

Click Here to download Business Cash Flow Tracker.

Overview of the Business Cash Flow Template


The Accounts section has 4 different categories which serve their own purpose.

1. Assets

Helps in addition to “Assets” of your business. Simply click on “New” to add an asset account.

2. Liabilities

Helps in addition to “Liabilities” of your business. Simply click on “New” to add a liability account.

3. Income

Helps in addition to the “Income” of your business. Simply click on “New” to add an income account.

4. Expense

Helps in addition to the “Expenses” of your business. Simply click on “New” to add an expense account.

Quarterly Overview

This helps to show the quarterly overview of cash flow movement in the business.

For each quarter involved, under the month we can see the Total cash inflow amount, the Total cash outflow amount and the Net Balance of each.

Business Activity

Under the Business Activity, we get to see the cash inflow, cash outflow and the Net Balance under different activities of the business.

This shows the total cash flow movement under Operating, Investing and Financing activities of the business for any transaction involved.

Note: Here’s a quick overview of the 3 types of activities in the business:

  1. Operating activities are those which involve regular day-to-day transactions of the business, 
  2. Financing activities are those which involve obtaining any money through credit such as Loans and Debts and 
  3. Investing Activities are those where money is invested for any investments or stock.


Under Transactions, we get to add all the transactions happening in the business such as Income, Expenses, Asset or Liability related transactions.

For every transaction added, here are the details that we need to add:

  1. Date – Date involved in the transaction.
  2. Period – Period of the transaction involved (such as Aug).
  3. Description – Enter the description of the transaction.
  4. Account – Enter the account related to the transaction such as Investments or Inventory etc.
  5. Payment Mode – Enter the mode of payment of the transaction such as Bank or Cash.
  6. Amount – Enter the amount of the transaction involved.

Quick action buttons “Add Income” helps to add an income transaction. Similarly “Add Expense” helps to add an expense transaction and likewise for “Add Asset” and “Add Liability”.

More Templates : How to track debt payment details in Notion

Summary of Business Cash Flow Tracker

This template is super helpful and can be customized as per user’s needs to keep track of business cash flow using the cash flow template.

Click Here to download and start using the Business Cash Flow Template right now.


Here’s some of the most commonly asked questions on using Notion template:

1. Does this work on the free version of Notion?

Yes. Once you’ve made the purchase, you will get a link to duplicate this to your Notion workspace. You don’t need to be on Notion’s Personal Pro plan to use it.

2. Can I change the currency of the template?

Yes, Notion supports a lot of currencies and you can customize this template to your preferred currency.

3. Do you offer customization or other support, if something is needed to suit my specific use case?

Yes. Reach out to me at to know more.

4. Does the template contain Notion Formulas 2.0?

Yes, all the templates are upgraded to Notion Formula 2.0 (by default).

5. Can I share this template?

This Notion template comes with a personal license for individual use. Feel free to use the template with your internal team. But please do not share it with other individuals.

6. What will happen after my purchase?

Right after your purchase, you will be made available with the link to download the template. After downloading the template, you will be able to duplicate it in your own workspace. You’ll also receive an email with the link to the template and other relevant files.

7. Is there a refund policy?

Yes, If you feel that the template hasn’t provided you with any value, write to us & we’ll give you a refund within the first 30 days of purchase. We’re passionate about making products people find value in and we’re confident in the value of this.

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